It won’t be of any surprise to see chocolate falling from the mighty sky of Switzerland instead of any other country from around the world. The European country is well known as the best chocolate producer, so it makes sense that chocolate rain occurs here.
Locals of an industrial area of Olten, a town situated in north-western Switzerland, have been informing chocolate powder rain from the sky for quite a few days now.
Anyhow, according to the reports, the news of chocolate powder falling from the sky in Olten started to appear a few days ago with some authentic photos of cars all covered in brown-colored particles.

In the beginning, it was quite a surprise for everyone, but later on, they started to believe when the authorities verified the news. Moreover, the company responsible for the sweet event was also confronted, which left no doubt in people’s minds.
The beautiful town Olten in Switzerland is the home to a Spruengli and Lindt chocolate factory. The mishap of the cooling ventilation system of a cocoa roasting line merely caused the powder to integrate into the outside air.

The sturdy windy weather that has been blowing in that area since early Friday carried the powdered chocolate from the factory to nearby residential areas.
The team of the chocolate factory has been working tirelessly to fix the ventilation problem and assures that the powder is harmless to people or the environment. Well, if that’s the case, I won’t mind and let it rain over me!