China’s Mysterious New Stealthy Warship Has Headed Out To Sea

The emergence of a new stealthy Chinese corvette or light frigate marks a significant milestone in China’s naval development. With design similarities to Sweden’s Visby class corvettes, this vessel underscores China’s rapid shipbuilding capacity and presents challenges for competitors like the United States.

Construction of the vessel began at Liaoning Shipyard, with satellite imagery indicating progress since August of the previous year. Notable features include a concealed main gun, vertical launch system array, and a flight deck, emphasizing low-observable (stealthy) design elements akin to Sweden’s Visby class corvettes and the U.S. Navy’s Zumwalt class destroyers.

The new corvette is estimated at around 97 meters in length and showcases China’s growing shipbuilding prowess. Andreas Rupprecht suggests it could serve as a “comprehensive test platform,” while Tom Shugart notes its potential as the PLA Navy’s next corvette class. However, its exact role remains uncertain, with possibilities ranging from escort missions to coastal defence.

The corvette’s stealthy qualities make it appealing for operations in congested littoral zones, such as the First Island Chain, where the PLA Navy asserts dominance. Additionally, its rapid construction underscores China’s exponential shipbuilding expansion, outpacing competitors like the U.S. Navy.

While the U.S. Navy faces delays in shipbuilding projects, China’s efficient production highlights its formidable naval capabilities.

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