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Check Out Some Of The World’s Narrowest Buildings


The love for tiny homes is in the air. We have seen some rather amazing tiny homes, however, what can one do when the need calls for something bigger than a tiny house and yet small enough so that excessive space doesn’t go to waste? The answer lies in this list created by us about world’s narrowest buildings. These buildings sport a couple of hundred more square feet as compared to tiny homes. However, they are not too roomy when you compare them with other buildings. Check out the list below and let us know what you think of it.

The Skinny House, BostonCheck Out The World’s Narrowest Buildings

This is a four-story home that can be entered via a small alley located on the side and measures just a little over 10-ft wide at its widest point.

17th-Century Gable House, AmsterdamCheck Out The World’s Narrowest Buildings 2

How wide is this house? About a bit wider than the cars parked in front of it.

Tiny Row Homes, San Francisco

This one sports a garage, an entrance, a second floor and that’s about it.

Flatiron Building, New York

This one is also a skyscraper and features the narrowest point at a width of 6.5 ft. The narrowest point is the Flatiron building.

O’Reilly Spite House, West Cambridge, Massachusetts

This house was built back in 1908 and measures in at a length of 37ft and a width of 8ft with an interior space of 308 sq.ft.

Montlake Spite House, Seattle

This home covers an area of 860sq.ft, however is only 55 inches wide at its narrowest point.

Spite House, Alameda, California

It will take you five seconds to walk from one of this particular house to the other end.

Sam Kee Building, Vancouver

This building also enjoys the world record for being the shallowest commercial building. It is merely 4ft and 11inches deep from the front door to the back wall. Owner had this built when he lost a major chunk of land thanks to the widening roads.

Newby-McMahon Building, Wichita Falls, Texas

It is usually referred to as the world’s smallest skyscraper and is the result of a legal battle that took place during its construction.

Mixed-Use Building, London

This one also doubles up as a restaurant, however, is still quite cramped up, don’t you think?

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