The job description of a sniper is to hide in plain sight and wait actively for the intended target. This seemingly simple job description has quite a number of twists and interesting aspects associated with it. What follows is a list of snipers who have adapted so well to their surroundings that you’d have to look more than twice to ascertain if there’s a sniper and where is the sniper. Try your luck and see if you can spot the sniper in the images below.
Sniper’s barrel – Look for it and you might find the sniper.
It’s a rocky road!
Difficulty is high with this one.
Can you believe it?!
Quite well hidden actually.
Don’t let the scenery distract you.
What a view this sniper must be enjoying.
Good luck!
Early morning sniping.
Can’t deny that these snipers are amazing.
Such a beautiful day for a sniper.
Here are the last two folks!
The following videos will help you understand how are these snipers able to blend in with their surroundings so well.