Bloom Helmet Unfolds In Emergencies – Wins the G-Mark Good Design Award
The Engineer
If one thing is certain about life it’s that nothing is certain. Anything can happen anytime without any warning. The same holds true for the natural disasters as well. There is usually no warning and it gets worse for the countries which are located at the fault line. They are prone to experiencing violent and instantaneous earthquakes. Although they have come up with a number of warning systems, like in Japan, but the risk is still great and imminent. Meet the gadget which has won the G-Mark Good Design Award for 2013 and is known as The Bloom helmet.
The Bloom helmet is a invention of Tokyo Safety and apparently looks like any other ordinary safety helmet, but there’s one twist to it; it can be folded down hence making it’s storage easier and travelling with it possible. It is basically a last resort for the people who get caught up in a disaster or an emergency. This collapsible helmet designed for safety can be folded down and can be restored back to its concave shape in about less than a minute.
All you need to do is to pull a cord attached to the back of this gadget and it will spring it back into its original position and will prove a worthy shield against the falling debris.
As of now, it is being offered in a variety of colors.
Bloom costs around $40. Oh and yes it did clear all the Japanese safety tests!