Biggest Diamond In A Century Uncovered In Botswana

Botswana has become the site of the discovery of the world’s second-largest diamond. This find was made by Lucara Diamond, a Canadian mining company known for its advanced diamond recovery techniques.

The latest discovery at the Karowe Diamond Mine in Botswana adds to the country’s growing reputation as a major player in the gem market. Lucara Diamond’s use of cutting-edge technology has proven pivotal in unearthing this massive 2,492-carat stone. The diamond, which weighs 17.58 ounces (498.4 grams). It was found using the Mega Diamond Recovery (MDR) X-ray Transmission (XRT) technique.

MDR XRT involves spreading kimberlite ore on a conveyor belt that passes through an X-ray beam, with a sensor positioned above it. The data collected from the scan is processed by a computer, which generates images identifying stones by shape and density. Stones with densities similar to that of diamonds are then separated by a precise jet of air, ensuring their safe collection.

The effectiveness of this method has been demonstrated before, as Lucara Diamond has previously uncovered other notable stones, such as the 1,758-carat Sewelô diamond and the 1,109-carat Lesedi La Rona. These discoveries highlight the remarkable potential of MDR XRT technology in identifying and recovering large, high-quality diamonds.

Botswana’s new gem now takes its place in history alongside the famed Cullinan Diamond, which was discovered in South Africa in 1905. The Cullinan Diamond, at 3,106 carats, remains the largest gem-quality rough diamond ever found. When cut, it yielded 105 stones, including the Great Star of Africa, a centerpiece of the British Crown Jewels.

Despite advances in synthetic diamond production, natural diamonds of this size and quality maintain their value due to their rarity, a factor that is carefully managed by the international diamond cartel. This cartel plays a crucial role in policing the market, preventing the influx of smuggled or blood diamonds and ensuring the scarcity that underpins the value of these extraordinary gems.

“We are ecstatic about the recovery of this extraordinary 2,492-carat diamond. This find not only showcases the remarkable potential of our Karowe Mine but also upholds our strategic investment in cutting-edge XRT technology. The ability to recover such a massive, high-quality stone intact demonstrates the effectiveness of our approach to diamond recovery and our commitment to maximizing value for our shareholders and stakeholders,” said William Lamb, President and CEO of Lucara Diamond.

Source: Lucara Diamond

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