Ray Norris, who is a respectable astronomer and professor, took to the Cosmos Magazine to describe how his team discovered two radio galaxies with supermassive black holes at the heart of each. According to the article, the black holes shoot out “jets of electrons that are bent into grotesque shapes by an intergalactic wind”, resulting in the ethereal spectacle. Ray Norris is a professor at Western Sydney University.
If you don’t believe what we say, see for yourself below:

The carefree dancing giants are at a distance of billions of light-years from each other. It was discovered as a part of the research being carried out for the evolutionary map of the universe. The objective of this map is to research upon more than 70 million radio sources throughout the universe.
The new Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder (ASKAP) is working on the EMU project. This telescope is distinguished from others in a sense that it has the ability to look “deeper into the universe than any other”, noted Ray Norris.
“When you boldly go where no telescope has gone before, you are likely to make new discoveries,” he said.

The twirling, dancing giants, is not all that has startled the scientists till now in the EMU project. The team has also seen a series of mysterious radio emissions spanning a million light-years across galaxies.
Termed as the “Odd Radio Circles,” the process is still mind-boggling for the researchers — though they are on it “furiously” to discover their basis, according to Norris.
The EMU project is underway. So, buckle up; more fascinating — and haunting — finds are set to come our way.