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Apple Just Reached Another Milestone By Selling Its Billionth iPhone



I still remember when the first iPhone came into market, it became a world-wide phenomenon. And although the overall sales of iPhone had begun to shrink since last three months, Apple still managed to sell its billionth iPhone just last week.

Tim Cook, Apple’s CEO announced this achievement on 27th July during the employees’ meeting held at Cupertino, California. He thanked the employees for contributing to the global impact made by the company and said that the milestone is part of what defines Apple and its values.

Apple CEO Tim Cook holding up what Apple say is the billionth iPhone sold. Credits: Apple News
Apple CEO Tim Cook holding up what Apple say is the billionth iPhone sold. Credits: Apple News


“iPhone has become one of the most important, world-changing and successful products in history. It’s become more than a constant companion. iPhone is truly an essential part of our daily life and enables much of what we do throughout the day,” said Cook. “Last week we passed another major milestone when we sold the billionth iPhone. We never set out to make the most, but we’ve always set out to make the best products that make a difference. Thank you to everyone at Apple for helping change the world every day.”

iPhone Evolution. Credits:
iPhone Evolution. Credits:

Just two years ago Apple sold its 500 millionth iPhone. That is a lot of units sold in just two dozen months! And seeing that Apple still has a lot more in store, at this pace, it will probably sell a whole more iPhones in upcoming years.

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