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Apple Has Come Up With A Way To Help Your Motion Sickness While Riding In A Car

Apple Has The Best Way To Help Your Motion Sickness Issue: Here’s How

With new releases for iOS and CarPlay, Apple is significantly improving accessibility. These upgrades, which include “Vehicle Motion Cues” and “Sound Recognition,” are intended to improve how well people with impairments use their gadgets and the CarPlay interface.

Apple has added “Vehicle Motion Cues,” a feature that detects whether a user is sitting in the passenger seat of a moving vehicle by utilizing the advanced sensors on the iPhone, such as the GPS and accelerometers. Motion sickness, which causes symptoms including headaches, nausea, restlessness, and cold sweats, is caused by “a mismatch between actual versus expected sensory inputs,” according to the NIH. To counteract this, animated dots will appear on the iPhone screen, reflecting the car’s motion and producing a visual synchronization that may lessen motion sickness sensations. This feature is intended for passengers because it is inappropriate for drivers to use their phones while operating a vehicle.

Apple has also added “Sound Recognition” to help people who are hard of hearing or deaf. This feature alerts users who might not ordinarily hear noises like sirens and car horns. This improvement demonstrates Apple’s dedication to increasing technology accessibility and inclusivity.

For over four decades, Apple has been at the forefront of developing accessibility features. CEO Tim Cook highlights that many of these features benefit a broad audience, not just those with disabilities. For instance, iOS users can pair “Color Filters” with “Smart Invert” or “Classic Invert” in the Accessibility settings under Display & Text Size. This adjustment can make screens less visually stimulating, helping users manage their screen time better. Additionally, toggling “Increase Contrast” can improve screen visibility.

These accessibility features are helpful for personal devices and work with CarPlay. According to Apple, “For users who are colorblind, Colour Filters make the CarPlay interface visually easier to use, with additional visual accessibility features including Bold Text and Large Text.” These enhancements may make the UI less distracting and more user-friendly.

While some people may still favor more old-fashioned, essential technologies, Apple’s continuous commitment to diversity is demonstrated by the improvements made in accessibility features. Whether by reducing motion sickness, helping those who are incapable of hearing, or improving the visual accessibility of interfaces, Apple never stops innovating to enhance the user experience for everybody.

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