Apple Has A Bizarre Movie Clause That Means You Can Always Work Out Who A Movie Villain Is

Apple has a unique movie clause that allows viewers to identify villains based on their tech. This peculiar condition might just alter how you watch films forever.

You might have noticed characters in movies flaunting the latest iPhones while others use outdated devices. The reason behind this difference is a fascinating clause by Apple regarding the use of their products in films.

In 2020, director Rian Johnson revealed this clause, explaining that Apple permits film crews to use their products but with a significant restriction: villains are not allowed to use iPhones. Johnson explained to Vanity Fair, “Apple, they let you use iPhones in movies, but – and this is very pivotal – if you’re ever watching a mystery movie, bad guys cannot have iPhones on camera.”

In Johnson’s film “Knives Out,” many murder suspects are seen with iPhones, but the actual villain, Ransom, uses non-Apple devices. Johnson humorously remarked, “Every single filmmaker who has a bad guy in their movie that’s supposed to be a secret wants to murder me right now.”

According to Apple’s copyright and trademark guidelines, their products must be “shown only in the best light,” reflecting favorably on both the products and Apple Inc. This clause has sparked speculation among movie enthusiasts, with some suggesting that the rule dates back years. One Reddit user noted, “It’s well documented that Apple iPhones cannot be used on-screen with villains or bad guys or in any scene or depiction that may show the company in a bad light or appear to be associated with crime or violence or bad stuff in general.”

An article from Wired supported this by pointing out that in the TV show “24,” heroes used Macs, while villains used Windows devices. Darryl Collis, director of product placement specialists Seesaw Media, told the Guardian, “All brands have stipulations for how they want to be used and seen on screen. It is common for some brands not to want to be associated with a bad guy, or for an alcohol or car brand not to want to be linked with characters being drunk or involving crashes.”

Apple’s insistence on being shown in the “best light” is not unique. However, this fascinating clause has certainly given audiences a new tool to decipher movie mysteries.

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