This marks another historic decision towards making our planet safer and greener as apple initiates the trend of returning to the earth by investing in renewable energy projects. This would result in less carbon in our atmosphere and will compel a lot of other tech giants as well as business tycoons and states to work for the elimination of excess carbon and global warming.
Apple aims not to add more carbon to the environment by removing the same amount of carbon emissions as caused. It will offset the emissions generated in the process, starting from the production of the product to its delivery by investing in projects safeguarding climate change and reducing carbon emissions.

Apple also aims to fund solar panel projects which would work in effect for the same cause. They have announced to install solar-panel projects in Scandinavia, to power its data centers. In addition to all these initiatives, Apple will also fund projects such as to restore mangrove trees and shrubs on Colombia’s coastline and woodland-grassland savannahs in Kenya.
The Tech giant is not leaving the weak sector of the society behind. It will donate funding to the facilities and NGOs working for the underprivileged children. It plans to work on eco-friendly projects such as installing solar panels for orphanages and child care organizations. Apple will aim communities; for example, an off-grid fishing community will be electrified in the series of these environment-friendly projects.

Other ways for offsetting the carbon include building hydroelectric power plants instead of using other methods of producing electricity, which results in worsening climate change.

Neglecting the wood-based stoves and enabling small businesses to use solar power energy would also help to safeguard our environment.