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AI Has Predicted What McDonald’s Will Look Like In 20 Years And It’s Very Black Mirror

While AI is often associated with creepy robots in dystopian movies, it’s actually a powerful tool used for all sorts of things in our everyday lives. From powering Google features that help us navigate the world to deciphering ancient scrolls lost to time, AI’s applications are vast. But it can also get a little… strange.

Take, for example, the world of AI-generated content. We’ve seen a real-life Simpsons with eerily familiar characters and a live-action Family Guy that would make Peter Griffin himself do a double take. Now, AI is taking a stab at something even more unexpected: what McDonald’s might look like in 20 years.

Let’s face it, the golden arches of McDonald’s are a global landmark. It’s hard to imagine a world where this fast-food giant disappears. But the AI predictions for its future are, well, quite Black Mirror. Imagine a McDonald’s with a classic diner feel on the bottom floor, complete with chrome accents and red vinyl booths. But then, things take a sharp turn. A jarringly modern glass top is grafted onto the diner, creating a bizarre clash of styles. Add to that an otherworldly design element hovering above the eating area, and you’ve got one unsettling picture.

The name change is even more bizarre. “MabGi’s” sounds both Parisian and futuristic, but sits incongruously in a gloomy, grey landscape. The interior, though chic with modern seating, resembles a hotel lobby more than a fast-food joint. You’d be forgiven for expecting a concierge instead of a cashier.

Then there’s “Madde’s,” a garish, theme-park-like monstrosity that could almost be intimidating. Those long hot dog bun protrusions jutting out of the building are certainly… unique. And a rooftop overlooking a dark, seemingly deserted city? Not exactly the picture of a family-friendly dining experience.

“MaDaridis” continues the theme of eerie darkness. This iteration features a rooftop and an overwhelming presence of golden arches, just to remind you where you are, even if the rest of the design screams “identity crisis.” The shiny gold exterior sits on a raised platform, isolating it from the street below, and a random red flag waves outside, adding to the unsettling ambiance.

While these predictions might be a bit out there, they’re certainly fun to think about. Who knows, maybe in 20 years, we’ll still be grabbing a McCrispy at, well, maybe not MaDaridis, but something just as unexpected. The future of fast food might be a far cry from the familiar golden arches, but one thing’s for sure: AI promises an interesting journey to get there.

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