Aerovelo made a new human powered speed record on the custom-designed Aero bike. The bullet bike shaped like an egg participated in the World Human Powered Speed Challenge held in the Battle Mountain, Nevada.
The egg-shaped bullet bike named Aerovelo Eta topped the previous record with 89.59 mph. Aerovelo Eta’s start wasn’t perfect given the colder Nevada weather and stronger than expected winds in the region. There were also a lot of bugs around that made the conditions more difficult.

The first attempt to break the record was made on Thursday. Aerovelo Eta managed to hit 87.6 mph before being spattered by a bug on the bullet shaped shield installed on the front. The incident ruined the Friday run for the Aerovelo team.

You can peek under the hood of the Aerovelo Eta in the images below.

For the final run, the conditions were quite perfect. The temperature was rising, and an anti-bug coating was applied to the external shell of the bike. This time, Aerovelo Eta yielded 89.59 mph breaking the previous record by 2.94 mph.

The Aerovelo team plans to tune Eta during the next year and aims to usurp its own record in 2017. Check out the video of Aerovelo Eta as it breaks the world record: