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5 Amazing Innovations BMW Has Introduced In It’s Latest Car – Some Of Which Are Even Illegal

For last few years, Tesla Motors is able to steal the light owing to the high-tech cars it come up with, however, this time the spotlight has been stolen by BMW. The latest 7 Series Sedan comes equipped with innovations that will make you go whoa! Some of them are not even legal in US as of yet. Check out the details below and be ready to be amazed.

Say hello to the amazing BMW Display Key that is a FOB with a color touch display.Check Out The 5 Amazing Innovations BMW Has Introduced In Its Latest Car 2

A plethora of information pertaining to car can be seen from this key FOB and the user is even able to start and kill the engine using this tiny screen.

The best part about the key FOB’s display is that you don’t need any cords for charging it. A wireless charging pad is already embedded into the console.Check Out The 5 Amazing Innovations BMW Has Introduced In Its Latest Car 3

The brand new 7 Series’ in-car system responds to simple hand gestures.Check Out The 5 Amazing Innovations BMW Has Introduced In Its Latest Car 4

It is very easy to raise or lower the volume and even to mute the sound.

When you’re reversing this amazing piece of engineering, you’re able to see a 360º view of your car and the surroundings in real-time.

According to the BMW representative, the car has been loaded with cameras.

It has cameras on the side mirrors, two cameras in the front while a camera in the back.

It comes with its own tablet that has been named as BMW Touch Command.

The tablet is Android-powered and Samsung manufactured. It can control car’s features pertaining to comfort, entertainment and navigation while also being a fully functional tablet on its own.

For extra privacy, you can make use of ‘sun protection’ by enabling it from BMW Touch Command tablet.

Check Out the Video Below

Credit: Tech Insider

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