38 High Def Wind Turbine Pictures From Around the World

wind turbine pictures 2

Here are 38 high definition wind turbine pictures taken from across the world. This collection of wind turbine images has some of the most breathtaking pictures that you would come across. You can also download these HD wind turbine images for free. To download, simply click on any of the images and it will open.

For wind turbines and parts, check this out.

wind turbine 1 wind turbine 2 wind turbine 3 wind turbine 4 Aufbau Offshore-Windpark Thornton Bank, Belgien wind turbine 6 wind turbine 7 wind turbine 8 wind turbine 9 wind turbine 10 wind turbine 11 wind turbine 12 wind turbine 13 wind turbine 14 wind turbine 15 wind turbine 16 wind turbine 17 wind turbine pictures 1 wind turbine pictures 2 wind turbine pictures 3 wind turbine pictures 4 wind turbine pictures 5 wind turbine pictures 6 wind turbine pictures 7 wind turbine pictures 8 EnBW To Launch Offshore Windpark In Baltic Sea Offshore-Windpark Lillgrund - Serviceschiff auf dem Weg zum Windpark / Lillgrund Offshore Wind Farm - Service ship en route to the wind farm OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA wind turbine pictures 13 wind turbine pictures 14 wind turbine pictures 15 wind turbine pictures 16 wind turbine pictures 17 OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA wind turbine pictures wind turbine pictures wind turbine


  1. Ed Anderson Reply

    Wind power is becoming the biggest form of visual blight on the planet, and it sickens me when engineers keep bragging about sheer height and “installed megawatts” as if nothing aesthetic or natural matters anymore. This is a green farce to top all others. No, I don’t deny climate change or oil depletion. Solar on roofs and parking lots is the much greener alternative to this skyscraper building competition. It’s like saying Dubai is a natural city.

  2. AR Reply

    NO ! Wind farms kill birds. We NEED birds. The small ones eat insect pests. The large ones eat rodents. Insects and rodents carry disease. NEWSFLASH : Doctors baffled by strange new disease. Millions dying.

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