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20 Secret Tricks For Your iPhone That 90% Owners Do Not Know

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You would think that just because a smartphone is at your disposal you know all about it, the fact is that we all know so little about this crucial everyday item. Take iPhone for instance, recently we discovered there are a number of ways this device makes life easier and as always we decided to bring the news to you. So here’s a list of 20 tricks related to your iPhone that you didn’t (or maybe did) know about it.

20. Nicknames20. Nicknames

You can add nicknames to the contacts and Siri will recognize these nicknames. This can be done by opening contact and tapping edit followed by a tap on Add field. The bottom has the option for Nickname.

19. Week View19. Week View

If you’re using iOS5, simply turn your phone horizontally and you’ll get the week’s view of calendar (when you’re in calendar app). This is a rolling view and you can move through weeks by sliding right or left and can scroll up and down to manage hours.

18. Automatic Downloads18. Automatic Downloads

If you own more than one iOS device; then you probably know why it is important for them to be in sync with one another. The good part is that this can be done; go to settings and Store and select the three options (Music, Apps and Books) to bring harmony to all your Apple devices.

17. Taking Pictures17. Taking Pictures

It is frustrating to take pictures while holding your iPhone with one hand only, the fix is quite easy; hold it with both hands and use the + button for volume to snap a picture.

16. Taking pictures with Headphones16. Taking pictures with Headphones

The same technique works with headphones too; tap the + button on them to take a picture once the camera app is running.

15. Quick Look for Pictures 15. Quick Look for Pictures

Open camera and swipe from left to right to open the last pictures taken.

14. Picture with Double tap14. Picture with Double tap

Double click the home button when on lock screen to bring the camera button next to the Unlock slider, tap it and you’re good to go.

13. Text Expansion13. Text Expansion

You can create shortcuts for certain phrases that you use every day; go to settings, general and Keyboard and you’ll find the shortcut option there.

12. Use Extra Characters12. Use Extra Characters

If you hold down on a letter while typing you’ll be presented with different characters (with unique accents) that can be employed as per need.

11. Turn On Caps Lock11. Turn On Caps Lock

In case you didn’t know all ready, you can go FULL CAPSLOCK BY HITTING THE SHIFT KEY TWICE.

10. Dictionary10. Dictionary

You can make use of the iOS dictionary by simply holding down on the word that has you stumped and then tapping on define.

9. Flag an Email9. Flag an Email

You can flag emails on your iPhone as well. Just open your inbox and tap on edit, select the emails and then tap on mark followed by tapping on flag.

8. Read Receipts 8. Read Receipts

iOS 5 introduced iMessage that allows the user to get a receipt when other people read your messages. You need to select it for it to work (Setting, Messages and Send Read Receipts).

7. Activating Siri7. Activating Siri

If you go to settings, general and Siri you can opt for calling up Siri by simply raising the phone up to your ear.

6. Private Browsing6. Private Browsing

You can make your browsing private by going to Settings and Safari and then tapping on the tab for private browsing.

5. Make a Reading List5. Make a Reading List

Safari has a reader built into it by the name of Reader that is capable of displaying a webpage minus the advertisements. Tap the reader button next to the URL and the article will pop up in an easy to read text.

4. Tap to the Top

If you want to scroll to the top of a page simply tap the tap of screen by the clock and Safari will instantly scroll to the start.

3. Dissect Your Storage3. Dissect Your Storage

If you go to Settings, general and Usage then you can find out which app is using what amount of storage space and make adjustments accordingly.

2. Take a Screenshot2. Take a Screenshot

To take a screenshot simply hold down the power button and home button simultaneously and voila!

1. Perform a Hard Reset1. Perform a Hard Reset

If your iPhone gets stuck then you need to execute a hard reset that can be accomplished by holding down power and home button together for 5-8 seconds.

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