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15,000 Scientists Have Warned That Society Could Collapse By 2100 Due To Climate Change

15,000 Scientists Warn Society Could Collapse By 2100 Due To Climate Change

In a resounding alarm call, scientists have ventured into uncharted territory regarding human-driven climate change. Backed by 15,000 researchers from 163 countries, a “state of the climate” report offers an uncompromising evaluation of the ongoing crisis.

The 2023 report, part of the “World Scientists Warning of a Climate Emergency” series, spearheaded by ecologist William Ripple of Oregon State University, paints a sobering picture of the year, with record-breaking climate extremes, including devastating wildfires, floods, and heatwaves exacerbated by climate change. The report’s standout revelation is that global average temperatures in July may have reached their highest levels in the past 100,000 years, signifying a distressing disruption of our planet’s systems.

One alarming statistic rings clear: 2023 has seen 38 days with global average temperatures surpassing the 1.5°C threshold above pre-industrial levels, a benchmark infrequently crossed before 2000, raising concerns about escalating temperature trends.

Researchers have been vigilantly monitoring 35 of Earth’s “vital signs,” encompassing global tree cover, greenhouse gas concentrations, ocean temperatures, and human and livestock populations. This report unveils a stark reality—20 vital signs are now at record extremes, a notable increase from the preceding year.

While acknowledging the influence of natural phenomena like the El Niño weather pattern and an underwater volcano eruption in 2022, the researchers emphasize the exacerbating role of human-induced climate change, magnifying these phenomena and paving the way for more frequent and severe anomalies in the coming decades.

The report includes a poignant section titled “Untold Human Suffering in Pictures,” which presents a visual narrative of people impacted by climate-related disasters in recent years. These impacts disproportionately burden marginalized communities in less economically privileged nations, underscoring the urgency of environmental justice endeavors.

The report also spotlights the pressing need for increased financial support to address climate-related loss and damage in developing countries. It sounds like a dire warning, outlining potential scenarios involving extreme heat, food shortages, rising sea levels, emerging diseases, and heightened social unrest.

To confront these challenges, the report recommends an immediate shift away from fossil fuels, actions to combat climate-induced food insecurity, gender equality promotion to mitigate vulnerability, and ongoing vigilance regarding climate tipping points. Importantly, it calls for a transformative shift in societal priorities, moving beyond the relentless pursuit of economic growth to prioritize sustainability, resource reduction, and human well-being.

In essence, the researchers emphasize the urgency of curtailing fossil fuel usage and preventing further global heating to fulfill the Paris Agreement objectives. They stress the need for a profound reorientation of human behavior, addressing the root issue of ecological overshoot and leaving a lasting legacy of change for the well-being of all life on Earth.

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