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10 Weird Gifts for Christmas!

Holiday season is coming and sooner or later we all would have to think about gifts for our loved ones. There are many things to choose from, but then there are items that are unusual and will stand out. So here is our list of ten things we thought are so weird that no one deserves to get them this Christmas, not even the Grinch!

10. Grumpy Cat Mug(15.95$)

10 Wierd Christmas Gifts (3)

For the most cantankerous person in your family. This simple 250ml mug has a picture of the famous meme “The Grumpy Cat” with the expression NO! Written on top.

Available Here!

9. Deep Sea Diver Tea Infuser(4.33$)

10 Wierd Christmas Gifts (2)

Someone who prefers tea over coffee would actually like this, but we believe there are better and subtle tea infusers that you can gift. Just as usual tea infusers this one is also made from silicone.

Available Here!

8. Christmas Holiday Mustache(6.40$)

10 Wierd Christmas Gifts (1)

Believe it or not, we found grownups who were in reality given these as gifts. It’s ok if you are buying them for Halloween(..well sort of!) but why would you want to gift someone synthetic mustache (never mind the Christmas one) is not comprehensible to us.

Available Here!

7. Mini Bio Hazard Tape(6.66$)

10 Wierd Christmas Gifts (4)

For those mini spills, you want to mark on your living room table or as the manufacturer puts it “This Mini Biohazard Tape is perfect for letting people know when they’ve passed the boundaries of good “. But even after discussing its potential uses it still doesn’t make a good Christmas gift.

Available Here!

6. Shredder Scissors(14.99$)


This gift can come in handy for someone who deals with a lot of paperwork at the office. The scissor has five blades and slices the paper pretty quickly just as a regular machine would. So if your friend or yourself end up in an office environment where you deal with papers but have no paper shredder machine then contemplate buying this.

Available Here!

5. Yoda Yard Ornaments (71.42$, *price varies)

“May The Force Be With You” this Christmas. This looks more like a Halloween decoration than a Christmas one but if you have a Star Wars NUT in your family then consider giving this to him/her. Truth be told Yoda looks adorable!

Available Here!

4. Gun Lamp (50-200$)

If your constitution allows you to keep or bear weapons, then it must allow you to keep a gun shaped lamp in your house as well. These lamps are available in many different designs, and you can choose the best gun that describes you! 🙂

Available Here!

3. Self Stirring Mug(9.49$)

This gift looks quite useful and not that weird. Self-stirring Mug though might be for the “lazy man”. So it may give the wrong message if you are gifting this to someone. Just imagine how silly someone will look with this turned on at the office!

Available Here!

2. Barking Door Alarm(14$)

Dogs are great for security but if you can not afford to care for one, then this is your thing. This device not only makes the door hard to open but plays dog barking sound to scare the thieves. This weird gift is useful but just make sure you are not giving this to your boss for this Christmas.

Available Here!

1. ProToast Elite Toaster(25-40$)

An ideal gift for a Football fan as this toaster prints the logo of your favorite Football team onto the toast. These are available for nearly all the NFL teams, and each costs between 30-35$.

Available Here!


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