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10 Failed Attempts At Creating Free Energy (Perpetual Motion)

Perpetual motion means continuous motion or unlimited energy. Though scientifically considered void, it hasn’t stopped being a fascinating concept & the one that has been tried by many people.

10. Karpen’s Pile

Failed attempts for perpetual motion (20)

In 1950’s Romanian engineer Nicolae Vasilescu-Karpen made what could now be regarded as the worlds longest ever running battery. Karpen did his doctoral work mostly involving the field of magnets and their effects on moving bodies.  At National Technical Museum, the machine he made is housed but not on display as the museum can not afford the security for such a contraption. Since the battery still runs today, they have been plenty of theories regarding how it operates but none has been proven. Though humanity will never be able to create perpetual motion, we can sure use batteries with such a good lifespan.

9. Joe Newman’s Energy Machine

Failed attempts for perpetual motion (2)

In 1984, Joe Newman announced on CBS Evening News with Dan Rather that he has created a perpetual motion machine, a mechanism that produces more energy than it utilizes. The device used a battery pack charged by a rotating coil in a magnetic field. Though he claimed that he has made something that will benefit humanity but he was proved wrong. As per National Bureau of Standards his device gained more energy from the battery than it produced.

8. Aga Waqar’s Water driven Car

Failed attempts for perpetual motion (4)

In 2012, Aga Waqar, a technician from Pakistan claimed that he has made a device that can harness the energy in water through hydrolysis and drive a normal car. Though in principle the idea seems good but to produce this much power from water requires tremendous energy as input in the hydrolysis process, which does not make it feasible to drive a car completely on water. His theories were a violation of the Second Law of thermodynamics, thus were met with skepticism from the leading scientists in the country. Although most notable engineers rejected his idea, government and the media initially hailed him as a national hero.

7.Bhaskara’s Wheel

Failed attempts for perpetual motion (5)

Now this one is perhaps the oldest, as far back as 1150. As shown in the picture the idea used an unbalanced which will continuously correct itself thus creating perpetual motion. Though the idea seems intriguing our current understanding of mechanical dynamics suggests that we will not be able to generate enough energy for sustained motion.

6.Cox’s Timepiece

This was made in the late 1700’s. Though not quite perpetual motion it was still an ingenious device. The clock was encased in glass box and was powered by changes in barometric pressures.

5.Paul Baumann’s Testatika

Watchmaker Paul Baumann founded the spiritual community Methernitha in the 1950s. The members of this sect abstained from the use of alcohol, drugs and tobacco and additionally lived in a self-sufficient environmental friendly way. To accomplish this, they claim to rely on a miraculous perpetual motion machine created by their founder. The machine was called Testatika and apparently the working plans on how to build this machine were given to Baumann by god or as claimed. The machine is never publicly displayed, and the machine remains largely secretive.

4.Bessler’s Wheel

Failed attempts for perpetual motion (1)

Johann Bessler began his research into perpetual motion with a simple concept like that of Bhaskara’s wheel. On November 12, 1717, Johann Bessler sealed his invention in a room, the door was locked and guarded. When it was unlocked two weeks later, the wheel was still running. The unbalanced wheel was subjected to solitary confinement again producing the same result.  Bessler was largely secretive of his invention and claimed to have destroyed all plans and blueprints.

3.Otis T. Carr’s UFO Engine

US Patent # 2,912,244 is one of most odd entries in the database.  Though US patent office stopped giving patents for perpetual motion devices, Carr presented his invention as an amusement device that would simulate trips to outer space to gain a patent.His invention was largely a scam, and Carr was jailed for selling stock options for a non-existent technology. Conspiracy theories suggested that US government took over the technology and never made it public.

2.Cornelis Drebbel’s Perpetuum Mobile

In 1604, Drebbel amazed even the royal family with his invention. The machine was something of a timekeeper; it never needed winding and showed both the date and the phases of the Moon. It was driven primarily by changes in pressure just like Cox’s time piece. Older devices only remain in drawings and fiction. Therefore, nobody examined the machine & found out its exact workings.

1.David Hamel’s Antigravity Machine

Failed attempts for perpetual motion (3)

In his self-proclaimed “incredible true life story,” David Hamel says that he is a simple carpenter with no formal education who was chosen to be the custodian of a free energy machine and a spacecraft for it to power.” And this story has more nonsense, Hamel claims he made the machine after meeting with aliens from a planet named Kladen.  When he was asked to show the machine he innocently proclaimed “it flew away”

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