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10 Best Raspberry Pi 3 Starter Kits

Raspberry pi (as we all know) is a little mini computer, credit card sized, that plugs in your computer and magic. You can do all sorts of projects that require little electronics and lots of imagination. A great tool for learning programming. Here are our 10 best Raspberry Pi 3 starter kits

Have a look and start your magic.

CanaKit Raspberry Pi 3 Kit with Premium Clear Case and 2.5A Power Supply ($49.99)

CanaKit Raspberry Pi 3 Kit with Premium Clear Case and 2.5A Power Supply
Image Credits: Amazon

You can find this product here.

SunFounder Project Super Starter Kit for Raspberry Pi 3, 2 & Model B+ ($45.99)

Image Credits: Amazon

This starter kit comes without RaspberryPi and includes

From 54 reviews on amazon, 72% rated it 5 star.

” It has a lot of different things in it, be prepared to do minor soldering. If you want to do any projects outside what is in the book, you will need to buy a resistor assortment along with some other things.Quality of the included hardware is good.
LCD: You have to get out the little 5watt soldering iron and solder the pins to the back of the LCD display before you can use it.”

This is a complete kit with sensors and gives you everything that you need to play around with Raspberry Pi.

” Positives: Really great kit with a fantastic selection of items you’ll probably use, good price.
– Negatives: Slow 2 full weeks to deliver, 40-Pin GPIO Extension Board/breadboard not interchangeable with Canakit’s (their +/- rail holes are between, vs even with inner lines), and I had a couple bent pins (easily bent straight)”

You can find this product here.

ThePiHut ($65.40)

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It includes

You can find this product here.

Raspberry Pi 3 COMPLETE Starter Kit, Black, Pi3 Model B Barebones Computer Motherboard ($68.99)

Image Credits: Amazon

This starter kit includes

The setup works great – Customer

This was again setup in 5 minutes of setup. The customers were satisfied with whatever came in the kit.

A customer reviewed this by saying:

“1.  The kit came with everything I needed to get started – Well-packaged, professionally designed set. I liked the way the kit components were packed nicely.
2.  Appreciated the HDMI cable being included. I used my big screen TV to get started. This all worked well.
3.  The case is well-designed to fit the Pi snaps right into the case with no screws required accurately and securely.
4.  Product started up perfectly.
5.  All cables fit well into the product and thru the case
6.  This is the PERFECT power supply for a Raspberry Pi
7.  The heat sinks have an adhesive thermal paste already on them, so you just need to peel the plastic off and attach them to the chips.
8.  The Micro SD card slot is not spring loaded (push-pull) but rather uses friction (push-push) to hold the card in the slot.
9. Speaking of SD cards, this kit comes with a tiny USB micro SD card reader. That’s nice to have, especially if you want to load anything onto the card.”

You can find this product here.

CanaKit Raspberry Pi 3 Complete Starter Kit – 32 GB Edition ($74.99)

Image Credits: Amazon

This comes with a quick start guide along with

NOOB supplied doesn’t allow to set the size of the screen and is set for a wider screen.

1. Well-packaged.
2. Appreciated the HDMI cable being included.
3. The case is well-designed to fit the Pi accurately and securely.
4. Product started up perfectly.
5. All cables fit well into the product and through the case.

Minor nit-picks:
– I don’t recall seeing any notes about the heat sinks. It seemed pretty obvious where to stick them, but I was surprised they weren’t mentioned in the Quick-Start Guide.
– Slightly annoying to have to look on the internet for the instructions on putting the Pi in the case.
– Surprised that there wasn’t better precautions on static electricity. I went online to get some tips”

You can find this product here.

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CanaKit ($89.99)

Image Credits: Amazon

It includes

Out of 120 people, 77 percent rated in 5 stars.

There was a problem with position of processor cut-outs. The heat sink was considerably smaller. The price was a little high than it should have been. The SD card gives just one choice of raspbian.

The instructions were fine and you could get it working if you follow the guide. There is available great flexibility because of the wifi and bluetooth module. Here is a critical review:

“I got it recently. First thing I did was to back up the micro SD card.
I configured one card with Raspbian. Wired Ethernet, WiFi, Bluetooth, all work right away with no issues.
Next card was configured with Windows 10 IoT Core for Raspberry Pi 3, available from Microsoft. It worked once I switched from the cheap micro SD card to one approved by MS. I can develop in Visual Studio on my laptop and ship the code to the Pi for testing. On board WiFi and BT don’t work yet in this environment.”

You can find this product here.

Vilros Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Complete Starter Kit with Keyboard–Clear Case Edition ($84.99)

Image Credits: Amazon

The Vilros complete starter kit comes with

You can find this product here.

Vilros ($89.99)

Image Credits: Amazon

This kit includes Raspberry Pi 3 model B. It comes with a 32GB micro SD card pre-loaded with NOOBS. 2 heat sinks and 65 male to male jumper wires and 10 male to female jumper wires. It also comes with a general purose input output board, LEDs, resistors and buttons.

Customer Reviews: 

Great kit and sets up Raspbian really fast. It doesn’t come with a user guide.

Perfect for getting started with Raspberry Pi.

You can find this product here.

Vilros Raspberry Pi 3 Ultimate Starter Kit–Clear Case Edition ($49.99)

Image Credits: Amazon

This kit includes Raspberry Pi 3 model B. It comes with a clear case which enable highly helpful covering enabling access to all the ports. The board comes with wifi and bluetooth.

From a total of 300 people around 93% rated it five stars. A great kit for this price. The Pi fits in the case nicely. The little thing that lacks is the case does not  make for the Pi, space so it can power ON and OFF. Putting the Raspbian software on the SD card is fairly easy and after booting the Pi you are up and ready. The kit has upgraded features and is energy efficient. Heat sinks recommended.

You can find this product here.

Vilros Raspberry Pi 3 Complete Starter Kit-Black Case Edition ($64.99)

Image Credits: Amazon

It comes with a

About 86% of the 2200 reviews made it to five stars on amazon. The initial operating system starts without a hitch and the idea of pre-installing NOOBS was great. Quick start guide helps a great deal and a customer reviewed by saying ” I connected a wireless mouse today. NO problem! Then I connected an older Dell monitor using an HDMI – DVI adapter cable, which worked perfectly. I also plugged in my Airwolf3d printer today and it ran without a hitch! I am really happy with this little computer.”

Clearly there aren’t many bugs with the hardware.The system supports 1080p output but needs configuration to do so. Wireless adapter maintains a stable connection and has great range. There were problems with the case but amazon ships replacement too if you ask them. The same customer said:

‘However, be ready to buy new wifi dongles and power supplies.’

You can find this product here.

Let us know which starter kit you went with and why?

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