GPS(Global Positioning System) trackers are widely used in the current era for monitoring people, vehicles or assisting in finding lost items. GPS trackers provide real-time location information to the user at the other end of the application to monitor their vehicles etc. They are also widely used by adventurers to navigate around freely without the fear of getting lost.
The following article lists the best GPS locators that you can find for vehicles as well as for people. So check out this list of best GPS trackers for car and let us know your favourite in the comments section.
10. AES RGS30 GPS Tracker ($69.00)

This is a mini portable vehicle locating device and comes with a magnetic case which protects it from dust and filth. The GPS tracker sends an SMS to your phone with the coordinates information. You don’t pay a monthly fee for this device although you need to pay using your sim card. It is very easy to use. All you need to do is follow instructions that come with the device. The magnetised case is very durable, and the magnet itself is adamant.
Available here.
9. Optimus Real Time GPS Tracker ($89.00)

This is Optimus real time GPS tracker which sends email/SMS alerts for speeding, leaving an area, entering in an area and parking as well. Along with comprehensive reports, this device also features the ability to view all the tracking history from the beginning of time. You need to pay monthly for this device and is a great device for monitoring something precious or something that you lose frequently. The device also comes with a waterproof magnetic case and the unit has a long battery life for extended periods of use.
Available here.
8. Yepzon Personal GPS Locator ($129.00)

This is a personal GPS tracker which monitors the movement of the person with accuracy up to 10 seconds. The manufacturer does not receive the personal data of the locator. It works with a Yepzon app which can be installed on any device. This private tracker’s battery can last up to several weeks and sleep when there is no activity to preserve the battery. It has no switch on the device so the person/animal being monitored cannot turn it off accidently/deliberately. You monitor everything using the app.
Available here.
7. Vectu Portable GPS Tracker($99.99)

This is a portable vehicle tracker which locates car, motorbikes, scooters, golf carts in real time. This device can be located via web or smartphone. You get instant notifications via email, SMS and in-app notifications.
“I utilised this tracker for my 3000-mile trip and it performed flawlessly even in the mountains and remote areas where cell signal can be sketchy. With intermittent use a full charge lasted 7 days when used on day long rides I was able to get 5 days before recharging the unit pretty impressive I thought. Really like this tracker.” – Amazon’s Customer Review.
Available here.
6. ACR PLB-375 Personal Locating Beacon ($244.99)

This is a personal locator with design as small as a cell phone. This GPS works only in the US and has a 406MHz satellite signal and built in LED. This unit doesn’t come with a manual but is very easy to use. Once the battery life ends, you need to send it to the authorised location for replacement.
“One should ALWAYS carry this unit with them when out “in the field” where there is any risk of getting lost or having an emergency where needed help might be difficult to obtain. It can SAVE YOUR LIFE of that of loved one. I highly recommend this unit!!!” – Amazon’s Customer Review.
Available here.
5. SPOT Gen3 Satellite GPS ($149.99)

The unit works well even in the rain. The battery life is much better than its previous version and signal acquisition is faster. The user interface is as about simple as it can be. The smaller size and multiple attachment units are the improvements in the GEN3.
“just got back from a salmon and moose trip to remote parts of Alaska. The Spot Gen3 worked like a charm. Wife was able to track and I was able to report “all is well” each morning and evening. No cell phone signal for many miles.”- Amazon’s Customer Review.
Available here.
4. MOTOsafety GPS Tracker and Coach Monitoring System ($39.99)

This GPS tracker is made exclusively for driving and monitors the activity with 100% accuracy. You get to know about speeding, rash driving, rapid acceleration etc. This car tracking report updates every minute you can track from anywhere the free GPS mobile tracking apps along with real-time email and text message alerts. The device is easy to setup
“I would recommend this highly for any teen driver. It has provided us with 18 months of driving practice with monitoring. He has not received any tickets or been in any accidents. He communicates better about where he is going so we aren’t surprised to get a notification that he has left the usual zones. You may want it for 6 months or 2 years, either way, the cost of the tracker and the $20 a month service is worth it!” – Amazon’s Customer Review.
Available here.
3. Coban Real-Time Tracker ($27.99)

This product allows the user to view global positioning, monitor in real time and locate a vehicle. You need to setup this up using the instructions given.
“Unit is flawless, 10/10. Love the battery cut feature, where if your battery goes dead or if the thief disconnects your battery, it will text you every few minutes. Also, the battery on the GPS unit will last for quite a long time if you ever lose power from your car, so that is a major plus. Now I’m not worried about my car getting stolen anymore, peace of mind :)” – Amazon’s Customer Review.
Available here.
2. Spy Tec STI_GL300 GPS Locator ($99.95)

This is a very accurate, miniature, real-time GPS tracker which sends texts and SMS alerts. The battery lasts for almost 2 weeks. The Spy-Tec web portal(where you read all the data) can be accessed from any modern browser and the service allows you to define areas where you need to receive notification when GPS reaches or returns there. The mapping and reporting is based on Google maps. The accuracy of the unit is up to 40 feet which might be a bit of a problem for some people but is overall a great small device to use.
Available here.
1. Linxup GPS Tracker ($39.99)

This GPS locator monitors fleet activity i.e location, direction, speed traffic etc. You can review driving routes with GPS tracking, set references around important locations (job site, home, office, or restricted areas) and know when the vehicle is in use with the Linxup GPS vehicle tracking device. It utilises free GPS tracking mobile apps with unlimited real-time email and text message alerts. You need no external source and easily fits in your car with fast installation.
“I don’t write reviews very often even though I am an avid Amazon shopper but considering how much time it took me to sift through all the options to find a great solution, I wanted to share my experience with other shoppers to hopefully assist with cutting down the research time.” – Amazon’s Customer Review.
Available here.
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