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10 Best Bluetooth Dongles for Raspberry Pi Suitable for Any Project

Bluetooth with Raspberry Pi. A great set which allows many small and bigger tasks to be accomplished. They are interfaced through Raspberry Pi compatible Bluetooth dongles. Not every Bluetooth dongle is compatible with Raspberry Pi hence must be purchased after specifications are read.

Have a look at our picks.

MIATONE® Wireless Bluetooth CSR 4.0 USB Adapter Dongle ($6.99)

MIATONE® Wireless CSR 4.0 USB  Best Bluetooth Dongles
Image Credits: Amazon

Wireless Bluetooth technology allows plug and play with other Bluetooth devices. It also works with wireless speakers and  wireless headphones. This Bluetooth dongle supports windows 10, windows 8, windows 7, XP, Vista, 2003, 2000 Me 64/32 bit.

You can find this product here.

Bluetooth USB for the Raspberry Pi – Pihut ($7.33)

Bluetooth USB for the Raspberry Pi - Pihut
Image Credits: Amazon

A nano usb dongle v2.0 compatible with both newer and older versions (v2.0 – v3.0 Mbps) of Bluetooth devices. It can get pi interacting with all devices such as headsets, notebooks, handheld pc’s. It has an internal LED to show that the device is working and a range of 20m. It has been checked for compatibility with Raspberry PIX.

Customer Reviews:

There isn’t a manual sent in by the team hence you have to make it useful yourself. The product works well and is easy to use.

You can find this here.

TRIXES Raspberry Pi Micro Bluetooth 2.0 Dongle ($4.79)

TRIXES Raspberry Pi Micro 2.0
Image Credits: Amazon

This is a pretty compact sized dongle allowing the user to keep it plugged in. It has a range of 100 meters and can transfer data up to 3Mbps.

You can find this product here.

JBtek Raspberry Pi Bluetooth 4.0 USB adapter – For Windows 8 / Windows 7 / Vista

Image Credits: Amazon

Out of 86 customer reviews this was rated 5 star by 67 percent people. The customers seem happy as they write “works perfectly with Raspberry Pi”. Works great with Bluetooth mouse too.

You can find this product here.

Panda Wireless Combo (Wifi+Bluetooth) ($13.99)

Image Credits: Amazon

It has a  150 Mbps Wireless USB Adapter with 2dBi antenna along with the Bluetooth module.

The wireless adapter does not have a great range. It works with windows 10 after installation. The wifi works perfectly but there were issues in Bluetooth according to one customer (could be bad technical skills of customer).

A review from a customer on amazon.

“I have used this with a Raspbian pi install and I was impressed with out well it worked out of the box. Fast speeds and I was happy to see how well it worked for the price!

Had some issues connecting to a hidden SSID and while I’m still trying to figure out if that’s software or hardware it’s not enough to remove a star.

Definitely get this if you’re looking to add Bluetooth and WiFi to your rPi”

You can find this product here.

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Nano USB to Bluetooth Dongle V2.0 ($2.63)

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It is compatible with Bluetooth v2.0 and v1.2 and has internal Red LED to show that the device is working correctly. It has a range of 20 meters and symbol rate of 3Mbps.

Available Here

Panda Bluetooth 4.0 USB Nano Adapter ($10.99 )

Image Credits: Amazon

It supports 80-feet operating range when connected to a Bluetooth Smart device and is compatible with Windows XP/Vista/7/8, Linux. 

There were problems installing the driver so you can check beforehand from the people who have previously used it or the customer support staff of Panda. The dongle works well. It doesn’t support HID proxy that is if you are using Bluetooth you won’t be able to use the bootloader.

You can find this product here.

Xmanx® Mini USB Bluetooth 4.0 Low Energy Micro Adapter ($9.99)

Image Credits: Amazon

It has a 20 meters long transmission distance and simplified use with an attractive user interface. This specifically works with Microsoft’s new Bluetooth 4.0 Low Energy support in Windows 8 and later and does not add Bluetooth Low Energy capability to Windows versions that don’t have it.

You can find this product here.

Super Fast USB to Bluetooth Dongle V4.0 ($10.50)

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Driver are built-in in windows 7/8/XP so the user does not need to install any software. Plug and let the device install driver itself.

The customers were happy with the range and said that it worked fine.

You can find this product here.

USB Bluetooth 4.0 Low Energy Micro Adapter Dongle ($6.99)

Image Credits: Amazon

This rates 4.2/5. It works well for how cheap it is. Range is pretty good too. Also, the small dongle doesn’t add much bulk to the raspberry pi. Works well with a Television attached.

Users experienced difficulties with the power button. It takes AAA batteries so one can always put in new batteries if required. The response is pretty great as said by the customers.

You can find this product here.

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