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Now You Can Buy Your Favourite Supercar From This Giant Vending Machine In Singapore

Source: CNNMoney

Working just like any regular vending machine, this vending machine installed in Singapore gives you cars instead of soft drinks and chips.


The futuristic 15-story showroom has been opened this December by the famous used car seller in Singapore, the Autobahn Motors. The building has currently 60 slots for vehicles on display, making it worthy of the title, “world’s largest luxury car vending machine”.

A touchscreen display shows all the vehicles available in the showroom and the customer can select the car of their choice from the options available. Thanks to the advance vehicle retrieval system, the chosen vehicle arrives within one to two minutes.

Source: YouTube

The idea behind this specialized, large-scale vending machine is to efficiently utilize the already limited land space in the city and well, to stand out in the car-selling business of course.

“We needed to meet our requirement of storing a lot of cars. At the same time, we wanted to be creative and innovative,” told Gary Hong, general manager at Autobahn Motors to Reuters.

Since the giant vending machine has been opened for business, many developers have been approaching Gary to use parking services of the company’s Automotive Inventory Management System.

Source: CNNMoney

As odd and latest it sounds, the Singapore’s car vending machine is not the first of its kind. U.S based company Carvana also has several car vending machines having the capacity of up to 30 cars, installed in San Antonio, Texas.

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