Guy Creates A Real Transformer From A Ford Car

Transformers – Ford Fiesta sculpture 4

Transformers – Ford Fiesta sculpture 2Movies play a big part in our lives. They inspire us and they move us. Some of them become classics while some of them give birth to next fashion icons. While movies are generally adapted from novels, there are some which are based on cartoon series and Transformers is one such movie. There are three parts of this saga and it has been a huge success. The special effects and the transformation have been made with so much detail that it seems real. With movies come fans and there are different types of fans but the ones we will be talking about today can be considered as die hard and ‘giving’ fans that can’t just stay without paying homage to such great movie films.

Meet Hetain Patel who is a British artist and apparently a diehard fan of Transformers. Mr. Hetain has spent last three years in coming up with his own unique way of paying tribute to Transformers.Transformers – Ford Fiesta sculpture 3 His project revolved around a 1988 Ford Fiesta, his first car. He has managed to transform that car into a Transformer using help of his engineer brother and father.Transformers – Ford Fiesta sculpture 5 His father, Pravin basically performs conversion of cars into hearses as a job. Hetain himself is 32 years old and is from Bolton.

Transformers – Ford Fiesta sculptureThe sculpture ‘squats’ almost as if ready to say the famous words; ‘Transform and Roll Out’ and looks pretty amazing. Mr. Hetain sure has done a remarkable job with this sculpture and of course, thanks a lot bro and papa for helping him out!

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