Broke Your Sunglasses’ Frame? Here’s How You Can Make One For Yourself Out Of Wood

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The summers are finally at the doorstep. It is time for you to locate that dust covered summer closet and check all the necessary stuff for a perfect idle time. But the Chinese sunglasses that you purchased from the flea market have a broken frame now. What to do? Well, the cool lenses are still intact, so this guy created his frame from an old barrel’s wasted wood and used the lenses in it for an insanely cool pair of sunglasses.

So, he carves a sized piece from the barrel.

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He traces the shape of the lenses and drills with the help of a hole drill.

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Next he made supporting arms of the glasses.

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The metal hinges to connect the arms to the frame

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Next step is tricky as the glasses have to be carved to fit the lenses accurately.

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Requiring skilled hands and innate capability.

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Start installing the lenses.

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Add finishing touches.

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This is the final product.

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Check out these cool patterns around the arms.

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Some cracks appeared on the frame, but they were covered with some Corian inlay.

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The finished product. Looks original vintage material doesn’t it?

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